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*Did you know you can apply for a “Certificate of Good Conduct” on our website? Just click on “Apply or Register” – where you can download the form.*

Community Policing Team

In this unit, officers are responsible for reinforcing existing and establishing new partnerships with key stakeholders, proactively dealing with matters that effect communities and robustly deal with anti-social behaviour. Although the unit drives the Community Policing Team, it is an area of policing that involves every member of the RGP and by working in collaboration we aim to be more responsive in tackling issues of joint concern as well as increasing confidence in the police.

Community Policing officers are the first point of contact with tenants associations, youth groups and other community associations to address any neighbourhood issue which are not necessarily criminal in nature. The concept has been adopted force-wide and all officers are in effect, Community Policing officers. The intention and ambition is that this will allow us to have a more visible presence in areas where we have not had in the past.

The use and analysis of crime data has meant that we can be more proactive. Problem areas are identified and we can adjust and redeploy police resources accordingly. This has already brought some success with crime in those highlighted areas dropping considerably.