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A Bronze Medal for RGP Staff Member


One of our civilian staff members is celebrating after winning a bronze medal in a European cycling competition in Belgium at the weekend.

Gianni Ochello, a member of the Special Olympics Gibraltar cycling team, finished a 5km Road Race on Sunday in a time of 10 minutes and 26 seconds.

For the 22-year-old, who works as an assistant in the Royal Gibraltar Police’s Stores Department, this was his first competitive race in cycling.

The competition was organised by the Union Européenne de Cyclisme and saw around 50 Special Olympic Athletes from across Europe compete in the Road European Championships in Limburg, Flanders.

Gianni said: “I was both emotional and happy to get the bronze medal.”

Commissioner Richard Ullger, added: “I would like to congratulate Gianni for his superb achievement on Sunday. Well done from everyone here at the Royal Gibraltar Police.”

