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Afternoon Drink Driving Arrests


Response Team officers arrested two men on suspicion of drink driving offences yesterday afternoon – in two separate incidents.

One of the arrests followed a road traffic collision in the area of Ragged Staff Gates.

We’d like to remind road users about the dangers of getting behind the wheel whilst intoxicated and how it puts other and not just yourself in danger.

Here are two brief summaries of the arrests.

At around 3pm, Response Team officers arrested a local man, 44, on suspicion of Driving When under the influence of Drink. His arrest came after officers attended a road traffic collision in the area of Ragged Staff Gates. On police arrival, officers spoke to the driver of one of the vehicle’s involved in the collision and noticed he smelt strongly of alcoholic drink and was unsteady on his feet. He then blew 80ug on the roadside breath test and was arrested. He was taken to Saint Bernard’s Hospital for treatment to minor injuries before being taken to New Mole House Police Station. The legal limit is 35ug. An investigation is ongoing.

At around 4.30pm, Response Team officers arrested a man, 47, on suspicion of Driving with Alcohol Concentration over Limit. His arrest came after officers patrolling John Mackintosh Square spotted a car contravening a No Entry sign. Officers stopped the vehicle and on speaking to the driver, noticed he smelt of alcohol and that there was an empty can of beer on the centre console. He then blew 119ug on the roadside breath test and was arrested and taken to New Mole House Police Station. On the evidential breath test machine, he later blew 108ug. The man was charged and will appear before the Magistrates’ Court today.

If anyone has concerns about a person driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they can call the RGP in confidence on 200 72500 or 999 in emergencies – you could help save someone’s life.

