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Commendation for DC Dreher


Commissioner of Police, Richard Ullger, has presented Detective Constable Frances Dreher of the Economic Crime Unit with a commendation for her outstanding work in a recent case of Fraud by False Representation.

DC Dreher was in the lead investigator in a case that was heard in the Supreme Court where, on 2 May 2024, a local man was jailed for two years and eight months after defrauding two of his old university friends out of a total of £203,000. One victim lost £70,000 while the other lost £133,000.

The defendant, an ex-police officer, had asked the friends for money after claiming that he needed to pay for his children’s medical bills, various family funerals plus repatriation costs, flights, accommodation and bank fees, among many other reasons.  He then used the money to feed his gambling addiction.

DC Dreher’s commendation certificate reads:

‘For her work ethic and attention to detail in helping to secure a guilty plea for 16 counts of fraud in the Operation Triangle 2 investigation.

‘Her dedication and professionalism not only upheld the integrity of the service but also set a standard of excellence which serves as an inspiration to her colleagues.’

When presenting the certificate Commissioner Ullger stressed the high quality of DC’s Dreher’s work.  He said, ‘This was a long and very detailed investigation and it required months of painstaking diligence on her part.’
