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Introduction of Senior Sergeant Role

The Commissioner of Police Ian McGrail OTM MSc, is pleased to announce that the Gibraltar Police Authority has agreed, with the approval of the Minister for Justice, to further organisational changes within the Royal Gibraltar Police’s structure with the introduction of the Senior Sergeant Role.

The five Operations Division Response Team leaders who will now be performing this role will be identified by the wearing of a small crown above their Sergeant’s chevrons. Incumbent Sergeants carrying out the role will be remunerated on a non-pensionable allowance basis in recognition of the increased responsibilities carried out by these Sergeants.

The introduction of this role follows the re-designation of the Chief Superintendent’s post to that of Assistant Commissioner last month and is the result of a review of the RGP’s present rank structure commissioned by Mr McGrail on assuming Command of the Force.

The Response Team leaders will adopt their new designations with immediate effect.
