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Man Jailed for Assault


A man has been jailed for 20 weeks after assaulting his former partner – following an investigation by the Royal Gibraltar Police.


Czech national Lukas CZYZ, 35, was found guilty of Actual Bodily Harm and was sentenced following a two day hearing at the Magistrates’ Court yesterday afternoon.


The court heard that at around 8pm on Saturday 9th March this year, CZYZ assaulted his ex-partner by punching and kicking her head in the area of Eastern Beach.


Members of the public heard her screams and called the Royal Gibraltar Police, who arrested CZYZ shortly after on Devil’s Tower Road.


Detective Sergeant Helena Cunningham, who heads the RGP’s Domestic Abuse Team, said: “This sentence serves as a reminder that domestic abuse will not be tolerated in our community. Our officers are dedicated to pursuing offenders of domestic abuse and to bring them before the criminal justice system, where they will be held accountable for their abhorrent crimes.”


The Domestic Abuse Team is formed of specially trained officers who act as a single point of contact to help victims with safety planning, access to counselling and practical help, as well as supporting them through the criminal justice process.


If you are a victim of domestic abuse, or know anyone that is, you can contact the RGP’s Domestic Abuse Team in confidence on:


• Non Emergencies 200 72500

• Emergencies 999 

• Online at


