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*Did you know that you can request a number of police services online? Just click on Apply or Register, where you will find various forms including the Police Certificate Form and Vetting Form*

New Recruits

The RGP’s Dog Section has received its latest recruits, a pair of Czech Line German Shepherds. Both dogs, Flash (male) and Nyx (female), are 17 month old siblings. They are currently being settled into to their new kennelling and being introduced to their handlers prior to commencing their 12 week Police training in September this year.

Once the training is completed and the dogs are certified for duty they will be seen around town with their handlers on patrol.

The dog and handler pairing usually remain together for the duration of the dog’s working life. This will continue for as long as the dog remains in good health, is physically able to carry out its role and achieves its certification. In the case of these two young dogs their Police service could be as long as 8 years.
