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*Did you know that you can request a number of police services online? Just click on Apply or Register, where you will find various forms including the Police Certificate Form and Vetting Form*

Oath of Office


It’s an important day for our new recruits today – as they are officially sworn in as Police Constables.


After being handed their warrant cards for the first time by the Commissioner of Police Richard Ullger this morning, the 14 officers (nine male and five female) swore their allegiance to the Royal Gibraltar Police.


Later this afternoon at court, a Magistrate will grant the new officers their police powers after they swear an oath/affirmation to the King


The recruits are currently in Week 3 of a 23-week intensive training school. On completion of their school, they will join a Response Team for a two year probation period.


In addition, three Gibraltar Defence Police and two Royal Falkland Islands Police officers are in the RGP Training School.


The recruits come from a wide variety of backgrounds including the military, the Gibraltar Health Authority, the financial industry and a professional chef.

