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Police Passing Out Parade


Royal Gibraltar Police and Gibraltar Defence Police officers marked the end of their Training Schools with a Passing Out Parade at Central Hall yesterday afternoon.


On parade were 19 RGP and two GDP officers who were inspected by His Excellency the Governor Lieutenant General Sir Benjamin Bathurst, watched by Minister Nigel Feetham, RGP senior officers, GDP Chief of Police John McVea, local dignitaries, friends and family.


The new officers come from a wide variety of backgrounds including the military, the Gibraltar Health Authority, the fire service, the financial industry and the hospitality sector.



During the ceremony, Police Constables Tony Brown and Kevin McGuigan received the awards for Best All Round Recruits and PCs Samantha Farnden and Shane Vassallo won the awards for Best Academic Recruits. There were two winners of each award this year – as the Passing Out ceremony included recruits from two recruit schools.


The Gibraltar Band and Drums Association played during the ceremony.



In his address, Police Commissioner Richard Ullger, said: “There has never been a more exciting time to be an officer in the RGP than now and I am confident that together with our learning and teaching and our new “Servant Leadership Style” approach for our leaders, the recruits will be part of the change programme that sees the RGP continue to rebuild itself and deliver a service to the people of Gibraltar. 


“Sadly, I am now coming to the end of my career after 37 years of service and I would do absolutely anything to be in their shoes today. They are so privileged to be where they are, that I ask them to take this incredible opportunity to thrive as a police officer and continue to seek career progression whether this be horizontally across the organisation or through the leadership ranks.


“The RGP has undergone a transformational change over the past five years, and it is only because of the officers and staff of the RGP that we find ourselves in this position. We have been successful in implementing many of the changes demanded of us by the inspection undertaken by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabularies and Fire and Rescue Services, and we have been robust in fighting crime and improving the services we deliver. Notwithstanding this, we cannot forget that we are a learning organisation and that we learn not only from our mistakes, but with everything we do.



“Equally, I am not shy to admit that the RGP has had its significant challenges over the past five years, and most recently with resilience. It has been increasingly difficult to undertake many of the policing functions because we just simply have not had the people, and those areas with less risks have unfortunately succumbed to those that carry higher risks. It is therefore up to us as leaders to understand our demand, but also to develop our knowledge on the wider organisational risks we carry.”


Mr Ullger also thanked Minister Feetham, the Chairman of the Gibraltar Police Authority Peter Montegriffo, Assistant Commissioner Cathal Yeats and the Training Team. He finished with some advice for the new recruits.



“Policing Gibraltar over the coming years will be challenging for all of our new members, but you can be confident that the skills and expertise that you have acquired over the past few months, will equip you to deal with the many different incidents which you will be deployed to. If I had to single out one area, where I wish for you to focus your skills on, it is that of providing victims of crime with the best possible support. They are extremely important to us, and I want them to be kept fully informed of your progress when you are investigating their allegations and complaints. What may be another investigation for you, could be life-changing events for them. No two incidents will ever be the same, and you will make the occasional mistake, but you will learn from them - and from the mistakes of others - and we will all become better at what we do. Gibraltar deserves an excellent police service and we are all here, all of us are here, to work together to keep our community as safe as we possibly can.


“In your first few months, you will not doubt experience some distasteful and abhorrent crimes. You will see incidents that affect the most vulnerable of our communities, and you will witness scenes that not many will ever experience in their lifetime. Together we shall deal with these events and support you in that journey. The Royal Gibraltar Police is an organisation that has embraced mental health, and we devote time and resources to be better at supporting our people.


“To conclude, I wish these 21 officers all the very best in their careers and I am grateful to them for making the RGP and the GDP their choice of career.”



The Honourable Nigel Feetham, the Minister for Justice, added: “I was proud to join these new police officers today to formally mark the start of their policing career.


“As police officers, they are making a commitment to protect the vulnerable, bring offenders to justice and keep Gibraltar safe. 


“Theirs is not an easy task, but they will have my full support, the support of their colleagues and the support of the people of Gibraltar.


“I wish them the best of luck in what is a fantastic career.”



GDP Chief of Police John McVea added: “It was a privilege as the Chief of the Gibraltar Defence Police to share this day with the new recruits and their families as they embark on their policing careers. Their passing out parade will always be one of their fondest policing memories.”


The new officers will spend two years on probation before being confirmed in post.

