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RGP Officers Pass Detective Course


A number of Royal Gibraltar Police officers successfully passed an intensive detective course at New Mole House this week.


The Detective Supervisors Course was taught by two former Senior Investigating Officers from the UK – Paul Burgan and Mike Jones.


A total of eight Detective Constables and eight Police Sergeants from several specialised RGP departments, such as the Economic Crime Unit and the Criminal Investigation Department, passed the two-week course.


The course, which meets UK national policing guidelines, focussed on a number of areas including risk management, covert policing, suspect interviewing, domestic abuse, stalking, aggravated burglary and financial investigation skills. 


Chief Inspector Dylan Quigley, who is at the helm of the RGP’s Recruitment, Training and Performance Department, helped organise the two week course.


He said: “It’s been an intensive course, but the officers have said it was very informative and insightful thanks to the fountain of knowledge and experience provided by the trainers. Officers were exposed to real life scenarios which provided an added element of authenticity.


“They’ve finished the course with new ways of working and more tools to help them in their ongoing and future investigations.”


He added that the two trainers will return later this year to run a Senior Investigator Course for more senior ranks within the Royal Gibraltar Police.


