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RGP Officers Receive Specialist Training


A number of Royal Gibraltar Police officers have received specialist training today (March 5) to help identify, tackle and prevent domestic abuse on the Rock.


Twenty-five officers, who are already specially trained Domestic Abuse Champions, received further training on topics including the nuances of coercive and controlling behaviour, how to spot subtle warning signs of abuse in both victims and perpetrators and strangulation.


The course was organised and delivered by the RGP’s Domestic Abuse Team and held at the force’s Training Department.


The Domestic Abuse Champions will now share their expertise with colleagues across the force.  


Detective Sergeant Helena Cunningham, who heads the Domestic Abuse team, said: “We are working extremely hard to tackle domestic abuse on the Rock.


“People are now much more confident in reporting domestic abuse to us and I think that’s reflected in the increased number of reports we are receiving.


“For example, between January and February last year we had a total of 59 reports of domestic abuse. This year so far we have had 73 reports.”


Helena added that following the introduction of the Domestic Abuse Act in July 2023, a large part of what they are dealing with is new offences such as coercive and controlling behaviour, which includes emotional and financial abuse. 


Helena explained that the RGP’s Domestic Abuse Team have specially trained officers who act as a single point of contact to help victims with safety planning, access to counselling and practical help, as well as supporting them through the criminal justice process.


She added: “If you are a victim of domestic abuse or know of anyone who is, you can contact us several ways – and we will do all we can to help you.”


• Call 200 72500 for non-emergencies


• Or 999 in an emergency


• You can also report online at


