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RGP remind the public that large gatherings are prohibited

The Royal Gibraltar Police are aware that a public demonstration is planned for tomorrow, Friday, at 6pm. 


However, during the current pandemic, it is a criminal offence for any person to participate in a gathering in a public place of more than 16 people.  The reasoning is straightforward: if a person takes part in a gathering of over 16 persons, they will place themselves and others at greater risk of catching the COVID-19 virus.


Under Civil Contingencies legislation passed earlier this month, the Commissioner of Police has therefore given a direction to the person(s) organising the demonstration that they should not hold this gathering.


Members of the public are reminded that, by attending or joining a gathering of over 16 people, they are committing an offence.


The purpose of this current legislation is to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  By wearing masks in the designated places and avoiding large gatherings, members of the public are supporting these efforts to protect the elderly, the vulnerable and the wider community at this difficult time.
