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Drink Driver charged



43 year old UK national Lloyd CURRAN has been charged with one count of driving whilst over the prescribed limit of alcohol, one count of exceeding the speed limit and one count of driving without a valid driving licence.

The arrest came about after Response Team officers conducting road safety enforcement duties at Winston Churchill Avenue yesterday afternoon, detected a locally registered motor vehicle exceeding the speed limit in the area. 

On stopping the vehicle, officers observed the driver of the vehicle displayed signs of alcohol intoxication, as a result of which a road side breath test was conducted and the result confirmed the driver was almost double the prescribed legal limit of alcohol in breath. He was arrested and conveyed to New Mole House Police Station, where the result of an evidential breath test confirmed he was almost double the prescribed legal limit of alcohol in breath. At the station, he was also arrested on the strength of a warrant issued by the Magistrates’ Court for non-payment of a fine. 

CURRAN was last night charged with all 3 driving offences and is due to appear before the Magistrates’ Court today.




