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Two Senior RGP Officers Retire


Today the Royal Gibraltar Police said farewell to two senior officers. 

Superintendent Nolan Romero and Inspector Albert Fernandez have much in common - they attended the same nursery together and then the same school together and today they both retired from the RGP.



Both had a separate send-off from New Mole House Police Station with scores of officers turning up to say their goodbyes.

Inspector Fernandez joined the RGP in 1997 and has worked in Response Team, Traffic, the Criminal Investigation Department, Community Policing, the Fraud Squad, the File Preparation Unit, the Training Department, the Marine Section and the Firearms Unit.



He plans to enjoy his retirement cycling, camping and playing in his rock band – Underhill.

Superintendent Romero joined the RGP in 1998 and has worked in the Response Teams, Financial Crime, Neighbourhood Policing, CID and the Operations Division.



Asked what he would be doing in his retirement he said: “Enjoying life – it’s never too late.”

A spokesman for the Royal Gibraltar Police, said: “We wish both Nolan and Albert a well-earned retirement – they will be thoroughly missed by their colleagues.”

