In order to start your recruitment journey, you must create an account using the 'ACCOUNT CREATION' button below. Even if you are not quite ready to apply, you can still create your account and be added to our mailing list. This account will enable you to sit examinations even outside an application window. Your results will be stored on this account.
You only need to create this account once. After you create this account, you can get yourself prepared for application. You will be in charge of this, but we will set plenty of dates.
You will not automatically receive anything upon creation of this account.
If you wish to be removed from the 'mailing list' element of the recruitment account, simply resubmit the form and we will make sure that no direct contact is made.
Recruitment accounts will be purged by the RTP where no proactive action has been taken by a user. It is important that when you pass your exam you save your certificate, the RGP will not keep hold of this information.
The 'APPLICATION FORM' button will only be live when we are within an application window. Current application window details can be found within the 'KEY DATES' section.
Please note that the guidance contained on this page is targeted at those who wish to apply for the role of Police Constable. If you are applying for a different role, you should continue to set up your Recruitment Account as set out above. You should not click on the 'Police Constable Application Form' button as this is an online application for the role of Police Constable. After doing this, it is recommended that you click here for further direction.
Nationality and Residency Requirements
All eligibility criteria is reviewed prior to the start of a new campaign.
1 Year Residency Exemptions
Certain applicants may be exempt from this requirement. These exemptions are restricted to the following and have a prerequisite that any required probationary period has been passed:
• Gibraltarians returning to Gibraltar after living overseas.
• Gibraltarians or Non Gibraltarians with a relevant skill set residing in close proximity to Gibraltar.
• Former or serving UK Home Office/Police Scotland, PSNI,MOD,BTP & CNC Police Officers. (This exemption does not extend to PCSO or Special Constable roles.)
• Police/Police Staff Investigators.
• Former or serving members of HM Forces.
All applicants irrespective of residency exemption “on employment will be, resident in Gibraltar”. You are therefore not required to be resident at the point of submitting your application form however if you are successful, you must be in a position to take up residence in Gibraltar on commencement of training.
Applicants must be 18 years upon the commencement of employment with the RGP. We will not always know the start date of the upcoming training school. Those submitting applications at 17 years of age must be aware that this application is speculative and eligibility will be date dependent.
Mandatory retirement will be at 55 years of age. Applicants falling within these age groups will be eligible to apply. You are able to sit the entrance exam as soon as you turn 17.
Convictions or dealings with police
The office of Police Constable is a position of responsibility and trust, given only to law-abiding people with proven good character and integrity. As such, while consideration will be given to individual circumstances, any previous criminal convictions could impact on your suitability for the role.
All previous convictions should be disclosed. This includes police cautions or involvement with the police, even when these interactions cross borders.
Failure to disclose will result in your application being rejected. This is inclusive of all interactions, whether or not the circumstances would have prevented an application from progressing. Convictions, warnings or cautions will not in every case prevent appointment. The decision will depend on the nature and circumstances of the offence(s).
If you are considering applying from the UK, it’s best that you check that you are eligible first. You can do this via the ‘ELIGIBILITY’ tab above. You may be eligible to be employed in UK roles and still not be eligible in Gibraltar so it is important to check.
There are no transfers to the Royal Gibraltar Police. Those interested in applying from other services must do so with the knowledge that prior service and skillsets acquired through their respective careers will not have any bearing as to whether they attain an appointment with the RGP. Successful applicants from the UK will go through the same selection process as those applying locally.
It is not possible to transfer in to the RGP from other Government Departments or other Police Services. Applicants who have prior Policing experience will certainly be considered, but will start at the same rank and pay scale as all other successful applicants.
There will be training, the length of the training will depend on your experience and retention of the training you have already received. It may be the case that a conversion course suffices but this will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
The RGP may assess you on your current legal competency during The Assessment Day. This will not be a pass fail exam but will assist us in considering conversion course options.
You must pass the Royal Gibraltar Police entrance exam. You cannot apply without having first passed this exam. This exam can be taken remotely. For more information see ‘THE EXAM’ tab.
On commencement of training with the RGP you must be resident in Gibraltar. After training, you may request to live out of jurisdiction but this is not guaranteed. Make sure that you do some research before applying. Private rentals in Gibraltar can be expensive and it is best to prepare in advance.
Selection Process
The selection process can be pricey for those partaking from overseas. It cannot be considered a bad thing to scope out a place before you decide whether or not you would consider being a police officer there. Keep an eye on our exam dates and fitness test dates and see if these coincide with potential visits to Gibraltar. It may save that additional flight. See ‘THE EXAM’ and ‘THE FITNESS’ tabs for more information.
Key dates from an ongoing selection process can be found under ‘KEY DATES’ tab. These will be as accurate as possible but can be subject to change. If you do pass the assessment day, it is likely that your interview would be a few days later. We are aware that this means you have to book accommodation and time off to cover this gap. We are also aware that a failure at the assessment day would mean the additional cost with no interview at the end of it.
The process is as condensed as it can be and the above is the cost and risk of applying for an overseas career change.
An in person interview is always better for the board to get an understanding of who you are as a person but the RGP will aim to facilitate online interviews for those who are unable to extend their stay.
The online interview will take place on the same days as the in person ones.
Successful Applicants
Please be aware, should you be successful that there is no relocation funding and the RGP will not be in a position to assist you with arranging accommodation. You will be given a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in which to relocate but naturally we suggest that this research is conducted by you in advance.
The RGP is very proud of its commitment to supporting Women In Policing. A dedicated page has been set up and this can be accessed by clicking here.
A Police Officer holds a responsible position within society. One of the primary roles is ensuring law and order is maintained. As a Police Officer, you will promote confidence among the community and show that the police understand and are prepared to deal with the issues that matter most to the public. Policing will enable you to work in partnership with members of the public and other organisations to make a real difference.
The Constable role is the frontline of the Criminal Justice system and community engagement. Under general supervision, but often operating independently. Responsible for the protection of life and property, the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order through a range of sworn powers in line with organisational standards.
RGP Code of Ethics
Police Constable – Area Response Team
To perform the statutory role of Police Officer: to protect life and property, maintain order, prevent and detect crime and prosecute offenders against the peace.
Gather and submit information that has the potential to support law enforcement objectives
Provide an initial response to incidents
Arrest, detain or report individuals
Conduct priority and volume investigations
Interview victims and witnesses in relation to priority and volume investigations
Interview suspects in relation to priority and volume investigations
Search individuals and their personal property
Carry out systematic searches of vehicles, premises and open areas
Manage conflict
Provide initial support to victims, survivors and witnesses and assess their need for further support
To provide a high quality of service to the community
Building and maintaining community relations including advice and support in areas such as crime prevention and personal safety
Dealing with members of the public and colleagues in calm, professional, non-judgmental, non-discriminatory manner, being mindful of diversity and integrity issues
Conducting patrol duties
Attending road related incidents including collision scenes, vehicle check points and traffic offences
Perform traffic duties as and when required
Attending and giving evidence in court and at other hearings
Working as a competent team member, including wider co-operation with specialist departments
Carry out any other duties appropriate to the post as and when required
Completing administrative procedures, both paper based and through technology
Preparing crime reports and presenting case files
Administering custody procedures as an arresting officer
Remain up to date with force orders, policies, procedures and laws and maintain knowledge of all legislative issues affecting the role
Must comply with Police Regulations, Standing Orders and the requirements of Data Protection
Maintain standards of professional practice
To prepare for and attend and Court proceedings and other hearings
Qualifications |
No formal qualifications are required however candidates must successfully undertake a Police Entrance Exam. |
Experience |
Possesses work or other experience in community service and as a result has developed good customer focus. |
Proven work experience in the field of community affairs and customer care including dealing with difficult/hostile customers.
Problem-solving skills |
Key Skills and Behaviours |
Speaks and writes fluently in English.
Has a high sense of integrity, personal responsibility and effectiveness.
Ability to work under pressure and displays emotional resilience.
Has effective communication skills, including tact and diplomacy
Has good literacy skills in order to accurately record details.
Possesses a confident and calm disposition.
Able to work effectively as a team member and help build relationships within a team. Actively helps and supports others to achieve team goals.
Able to understand and be sensitive to social, cultural and racial differences. |
Speaks and writes fluently in Spanish.
Possesses a full clean class B (car) driving licence. |
Personal Effectiveness |
Able to demonstrate resilience by showing confidence to perform own role without unnecessary support in normal circumstances. Capable of acting in an appropriate way and controlling emotions.
Able to take personal responsibility for own actions and for sorting out issues or problems that arise. Is focused on achieving results required standards and developing skills and knowledge.
Has the ability to prioritise tasks, use time in the best possible way and work within appropriate policy and procedures. |
Other Requirements |
Willingness to work rostered shifts, weekends and public holidays, as and when the need arises. |
General Health |
Candidates are expected to maintain good general health, undertake a Job Related Fitness Test attaining a minimum score of 5.4 on the beep test. |
Other |
An appointment is also subject to the following requirements:
(a) Both fingerprints and a non-intimate sample for the purpose of obtaining the officer’s DNA profile are to be supplied for a speculative test and for elimination purposes, and; (b) The officer is to submit to drug testing on a maximum of [two] occasions during the probationary period.
A positive result with respect to (b) may result in the officer’s dismissal. |
Click here to view information on the RGP police fitness assessment.
You no longer need to pass a fitness test as part of recruitment. Fitness will now be assessed and maintained during the training course with a requirement that you achieve a pass in this area by the end of the training course.
We will do everything in our power to get you to the required level, this will include regular fitness sessions during the course.
We only accept applications during recruitment windows. The application button will not work outside this window. You can check our KEY DATES for the most up to date information. Please note that if it is not on the 'KEY DATES' it is because we do not have the information yet.
That depends on the following.
You can check your eligibility under the ‘ELIGIBILITY’ tab, and you can check exam details under the ‘THE EXAM’ tab.
The application can now be saved and completed at a later date. This will allow you to work on your application and keep this work saved until you have passed the exam.
There is a video walk through of the application form at the bottom of this page. The application changes slightly year on year but this will still be useful as a guide.
It is important to ensure that your application is best effort. This stage is a sift. Passing the application one year does not guarantee that the same application passes the next year.
The application can now be saved and completed at a later date. This will allow you to work on your application and keep this work saved until you have passed the exam.
Yes. Submitting a new application allows you to display how you meet our current requirements and how you meet or continue to meet our values. It also gives us up to date information in relation to your personal circumstances which may impact your application going forward.
Those who have previously applied and not attained appointment, are free to apply in any subsequent recruitment campaigns -- providing that the new prerequisite exam condition has been met.
Yes. There is a button at the top of the application that will allow you to save your progress should you wish to complete it at a later date.
When you click on this button a link will be generated that you can send to your email. This link will be accessible for 60 days which will more than cover any application window. Applications still need to be submitted within the application window.
The RGP do not have access to saved applications. If you lose the relevant link, you will need to start the process again.
It is important to take your time when completing the application form. Your application will be scored and applicants will be sifted out of the process at this stage. Your personal effectiveness is being assessed at this stage.
As stated above, it is important to take your time when completing the application form. Your application will be scored and applicants will be sifted out of the process at this stage. Your personal effectiveness is being assessed at this stage.
You may not be eligible due to your age. If you are 17 years old you are free to apply, but must have turned 18 on commencing employment. Applications from 17 year olds are therefore speculative in nature and date dependent.
Your application will not have failed due to disclosed convictions or work disciplinaries. Vetting is not conducted at the application stage so this will not be the reason for any lack of progression.
The RGP is a learning organization. Reflective practice is encouraged. We recommend that unsuccessful applicants consider the following points and review the application guidance within the careers section.
Remember that the accepted standard may shift. A pass one year does not necessarily mean that the exact same application would pass the next year. Take pride in your work and give us the most up to date information.
The RGP has no control over your written ability or how much information you are willing to provide in the personal statement. These areas are for you alone to work on.
Everything else in the application form has instructions or guidance. Personal effectiveness is being assessed at this stage. Ensure for next time that you read all the guidance prior to submitting your application.
How will I know that you have received my application ?
Once you submit the application, you will see a thank you message on screen. If this occurs we have received your application.
If you have problems with your internet and you can still see your application form, hit submit again. Don't worry, we will delete any duplicates should they be sent.
The application closing date will be available on the ‘KEY DATES’ part of the careers page. All candidates will be emailed after this date. It is not advisable to leave applications to the last minute, but there is nevertheless an increase in the closing days. All applications will be assessed and scored prior to any decisions being made. Normally the RGP are in a position to let you know one week after the closing date, though this may be slightly longer depending on how many applications are received close to the deadline.
Evidence of Qualifications, Nationality and Date of Birth
Photographs or scans of relevant documentation must be produced when the application form is submitted online, (e.g. a passport, ID card & birth certificate in the applicant’s name). You must also bring copies with you to be examined and verified, you will be instructed when to bring these documents for verification.
Click here to view information on the RGP assessment day.
Click here to view our frequently asked questions.
The Recruitment, Training and Performance team has a compliment of four officers. They have a combined service of approximately 55 years across a variety of departments.
1 x Inspector
Inspector Stewart Finegan has experience in Response, CID, Drug Squad, Professional Standards & Counter Corruption, Corporate Services and now RTP.
1 x Sergeant
Sergeant Gavin Davidson has been in the RGP for approximately 4 years. He also had approximately 4 years service in Police Scotland in Response. Since moving to Gibraltar he has had experience of Response and RTP.
2 x Constables
PC Sharon Berini has been in the RGP for approximately 17 years and has experience in Response, Neighbourhood, Safeguarding and RTP.
PC Trinidad has been in the RGP for over 10 years and has experience in neighbourhood policing, Response, File Preparation Unit and RTP
Click here to find out more about the Recruitment, Training & Performance team.
Vetting is the process by where you disclose any information that may affect your suitability to become a police officer or member of police staff. It is essential to provide thorough and precise information, as this will then be reviewed by the force you are applying to. Failure to disclose something during this process may result in a vetting failure, and you not being able to join the police, on the grounds of honesty and integrity.
To understand the vetting process and decision making that you will apply to you, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the Vetting Code of Practice which the Royal Gibraltar Police adopt as best practice.
Vetting exists to make sure that those joining and choosing a career as a police officer understand the values and public expectations of policing. It is to ensure that your integrity as you enter policing, and when you are in service, is not called into question.
Vetting will be reviewed at regular points in your career.
What does Vetting entail?
All applicants must complete vetting prior to joining a force, to identify whether they are suitable to become a police officer. The vetting process also includes disclosing information on your friends and family, to ensure that you aren’t vulnerable to extortion or blackmail.
You’ll be asked to provide information on:
• Yourself (personal, financial, police, criminal history)
• Your family (parents, parents’ partners, siblings, partner(s), children)
• Co-residents
• Associations that may cause a conflict of interest with your role or the police service
Vetting also includes:
• Background checks across all police information systems on you, your family and other associates i.e. individuals with whom you have significant financial arrangements, such as business partners and those who make child support payments
• Credit reference checks (to make sure money problems don’t make you vulnerable to blackmail or corruption)
• Social media and Open-Source checks (these are checks on content about you that is publicly available on the internet to ensure there’s nothing linked to you that could undermine public trust and confidence in the police service)
• Other government and overseas agency checks
How much information should I include?
If you are not sure how much detail to provide, then more is always preferable. Common mistakes include not providing enough detail or failing to declare something. This can cause delays and prevent you from joining the programme in time.
If you have any doubts about the relevance of a conviction or caution, include the details anyway, as it important for you to demonstrate honesty throughout the vetting process.
What should I declare?
We ask that you are open and honest and declare all investigations, cautions, convictions or interactions with the police, no matter when these took place or how significant they were. Misleading, incomplete or inaccurate information could result in you not being able to join the programme.
To start initial training, all vetting must be completed.
Here are some examples of common scenarios that need declaration:
• My vehicle was pulled over at a police traffic stop, but no formal action was taken.
• I was questioned by the police once; however, I was not arrested, and no formal action was taken.
• I received a speeding fine 15 years ago.
If in doubt, disclose.
What if I have a criminal record?
Each case is considered on its own individual merits in relation to the role being undertaken and assets being accessed.
Applications for a position as a police officer or as a member of police staff where that member of staff may be in the evidential chain are rejected in all cases where:
• offences were committed as an adult or juvenile which resulted in a prison sentence (including custodial, suspended or deferred sentence and sentences served at a young offenders’ institution or community home); or
• the applicant is a registered sex offender or is subject to a registration requirement in respect of any other conviction.
• Being on the Police barred list.