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Four Drink & Drug Drivers Sentenced


Ignoring No Entry signs, swerving across dual carriageways and driving against the flow of traffic with no lights on.


Those were just some of the telltale signs of drink driving that caught the eye of police officers – leading to several arrests.


Over the last two days at the Magistrates’ Court, three men and one woman were sentenced after pleading guilty to drink and drug driving offences.


First in court last Tuesday, was William Sanders, 22, of Devils Tower Road, who was fined £461 and banned from driving for 17 months.


The court heard that at around 1am on Thursday 16 May 2024, Sanders was riding a motorcycle without headlights on. Upon approaching the roundabout next to the Holiday Inn, he failed to indicate and then exited Devils Tower Road onto Halifax Road, contravening a No Entry sign, and contravening a second No Entry sign onto Stirling Way. 


Officers stopped Sanders, who struggled to keep his motorcycle upright whilst attempting to put it on the stand. Officers also noticed his slurred speech and a strong smell of alcoholic drink. He blew 102ug on the roadside breath test and was arrested on the spot. He later blew 70ug at New Mole House on the evidential breath test machine. The legal limit is 35ug.


Next up in court on Tuesday was Timothy Perera, 31, of Europa Walks Estate, who was fined £307, after pleading guilty to riding a Hoppy E-Scooter whilst over the drink drive limit.


His arrest came just after 1130pm on Saturday 2 December 2023, when officers patrolling Bayside Road, spotted him riding the E-Scooter against the flow of traffic.


His response on being stopped was: “I’ve had a couple of drinks.” He then blew 64ug on the roadside breath test and was arrested. A blood test later confirmed that he was over the drink driving limit.


On Wednesday this week, Leila Garcia, 44, of Laguna Estate was fined £230 and banned from driving for three years.


The court heard that she was arrested shortly after 2.30am on 17 May 2024, when Response Team officers spotted her in a Honda Jazz, swerving across Winston Churchill Avenue, before continuing onto Devil’s Tower Road.


Garcia was stopped by officers, who on speaking to her, noted her slurred speech and a strong smell of alcoholic drink. She blew 86ug on the roadside breath test and was arrested on the side of the road. Later she blew 49ug on the evidential breath test machine at New Mole House Police Station. 


And last in court yesterday was Stuart Harrison, 35, of Sir William Jackson Grove.


The court heard that at around 3.30pm on Saturday 29 July last year, a member of the public called the Police Control Room stating that they were preventing an intoxicated man from driving away in his vehicle, in the area of Seawave Bar in Catalan Bay.


On police arrival, officers noted he had slurred speech and movement, together with glazed eyes. He was arrested for a separate matter, but up at New Mole House, he was arrested on suspicion of being unfit to drive under the influence of drink or drugs. He blew 12ug on a breath test, but tested positive for Opioids on a drug wipe test. A blood sample was taken, which was sent to the public analyst for further investigation. 


It later showed that Harrison was 14 times over the legal limit for Benzoylecgonine, which is what breaks down in the body from cocaine, a Class A Drug. 


The following day, Sunday 30 July 2023, at around 2pm, an off duty RGP officer contacted the police Control Room to report that Harrison was driving in front of him on Line Wall Road in a slow manner and swerving from one lane to another. Later that day, officers found Harrison at Gib Oil Petrol Station on Winston Churchill Avenue. He gave a positive reading on a drugs test for cannabis and cocaine. He was arrested on suspicion of Driving under the Influence of Drugs, which was later confirmed by a blood test. 


Lastly, at around 1145pm on Monday 7 August 2023, officers patrolling Europa Road noticed a car with smoke coming out of the engine. Officers stopped to check if the driver needed help – and then saw the driver was Harrison. Smelling alcoholic drink on his breath, Harrison was asked to do a roadside breath test, which gave a reading of 14ug – under the 35ug legal limit. However, Harrison said he had taken Valium, so a drugs test was administered, which gave a positive reading for cannabis. A blood test later confirmed he was over the legal limit for cannabis. 


In total, for the three driving offences, the Magistrates’ Court sentenced Harrison to 135 hours of unpaid work and a 24-month driving ban.


An RGP spokesman, said: “No matter how many times we say it, some people simply fail to understand that alcohol, drugs and driving do not mix.


“At best, you’ll get a driving ban and a fine. And at worst, you could kill someone.


“We don’t say this to be dramatic, we say it out of experience. Our message is simple, don’t get behind the wheel if you’re under the influence.”


If anyone has concerns about a person driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you can call the RGP in confidence on 200 72500 or 999 in emergencies.

