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I Can Do That


A new campaign that aims to encourage more women to consider a career in the Royal Gibraltar Police was launched at the Piazza this morning.


Organised by the RGP’s Women In Policing (WIP) committee, the ‘I Can Do That’ campaign will run for several months.


The campaign was launched on the same day as International Women’s Day and saw female officers talking to members of the public about the different career paths in the RGP.



There are now plans to hold more WIP campaigns around Gibraltar in the coming weeks. 


Police Sergeant Tanya McLeod, 30, a Women in Policing committee member, said: “We want to show women that there are no limitations and that gender doesn’t matter when it comes to a career in the RGP.


“We want women to say ‘I Can Do That’ and realise that there are no barriers to stop women progressing in the force.”



Over the coming weeks the RGP will be releasing a number of videos on their social media channels highlighting the roles of different women within the force.


They range from Detectives in the Crime Division and Police Van Drivers on the Response Teams, to Inspectors and Sergeants in various divisions.


The Minister for Equality, Samantha Sacramento, said: “This is a great initiative launched by the RGP which has my full support. This morning I had a chance to speak with various female police officers and they took me through the ways in which we can encourage more women to join the Royal Gibraltar Police.”


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