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Local woman pleads guilty to drugs charges


In the Magistrate’s Court today, local woman Joanna Falzun, 46, pleaded guilty to several drugs charges. She will be sentenced by the Supreme Court next month.

The Court heard that, shortly before 0700hrs on 6 October 2023, detectives from the RGP’s Drug Squad and Criminal Investigation Department arrived at a property in the Glacis Estate in order to execute a search warrant.

Having forced entry into the property, the detectives found Falzun in the hallway and they then began their search.

In the property’s kitchen, detectives seized a block of suspected Amphetamines and six white wrappers which were also suspected of containing Amphetamines. Falzun was then arrested on suspicion of Possession of a Class B Drug and of Possession with the Intent to Supply.

Elsewhere in the property, the officers discovered a small bag containing suspected Cannabis Resin, six green and pink pills suspected of being other controlled drugs and a white powder suspected of being MDMA.  Amongst other items also seized were several sets of digital scales.

At around 1130hrs on the same day, Falzun was further arrested on suspicion of:

Possession of Class A Drugs (MDMA)

Possession with the Intent to Supply Class A Drugs (MDMA)

Possession of Class B Drugs (Cannabis)

Possession of Class C Drugs (Aprazolam)

Possession with the Intent to Supply Class C Drugs (Aprazolam)

The suspected drugs were subsequently examined by the GHA public analyst who confirmed that the officers’ suspicions were correct regarding the nature of the drugs which had a total street value of around £650.

