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RG Police and Customs foil tobacco smugglers off Eastern Beach

Royal Gibraltar Police retrieved 12 boxes of Ducal cigarettes and one box of Winstons from the sea during an anti-smuggling operation in the early hours of this morning.

HM Customs also intervened with their own patrol boat and managed to seize a further 12 boxes, seven from the sea and the remainder from the shoreline and rocks at the end of Eastern Beach.

The incident occurred at around 1am when both the Customs and RGP marine sections responded to information that the Guardia Civil was chasing several RHIB launches off La Atunara close to local waters, and immediately ascertained that the vessels were heading for Eastern Beach.

During the ensuing pursuit by the Police and Customs craft in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters, the RHIBs carried out evasive manoeuvres to avoid apprehension, and jettisoned several boxes close to the shoreline before speeding toward Spain with the Guardia Civil, which had also deployed land assets ashore in La Atunara, in hot pursuit.

The RG Police crew then returned to marine base and conveyed the confiscated tobacco to New Mole House.
