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RGP Honoured at Mayor’s Reception


Royal Gibraltar Police officers and support staff were honoured for their hard work during a reception held by the Mayor of Gibraltar at City Hall last night.


Officers from across the force along with the Commissioner of Police Richard Ullger and Assistant Commissioner Cathal Yeats attended the event.


During a speech, Her Worship the Mayor Carmen Gomez, said: “They are an essential part of the social fabric of the community they serve and it’s of great importance that they always have the confidence of the people they serve, as without that confidence, they would be seriously limited in their ability to do their duties.


“I came across these words, which were very important to me and I thought I would mention them. ‘And maybe just remind the few, if ill of us they speak, that we are all that stands between the monsters and the weak.’


“I want you to know that on behalf of our community, which I am proud to serve as Mayor, that you are held in high regard by all and I express that gratitude to you all and your excellent force for keeping us safe. Thank you so much.”


In his response, Commissioner Ullger said: “On behalf of all the men and women in the Royal Gibraltar Police, I would like to thank you for inviting us here to recognise the hard work that we all do keeping the people of Gibraltar safe. Her Worship the Mayor has always been a strong supporter of the Royal Gibraltar Police and I am immensely grateful to her for all that she does for us. Seeking the support of our community is very important to us and having people like Her Worship doing just that for us, is crucial.”


Addressing the officers and support staff at the reception, Mr Ullger continued: “Policing Gibraltar, as the mayor said, has become extremely challenging and complicated. And it’s thanks to people like you, that we provide the excellent service we do.” 

