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RGP Supports National Stalking Awareness Week


The Royal Gibraltar Police is supporting this year’s National Stalking Awareness Week campaign – which runs from 25 to 29 of April.


It’s hoped the campaign will help people be more aware of the dangers of stalking and encourage them to report incidents to the police.


In the past 12 months, the RGP has received 10 reports of stalking.


An RGP spokesperson explained that often with stalking, the stalker will have an obsession with the person they're targeting. It can be someone known to the victim – such as an ex-partner or a friend, but also a stranger.


Stalking behaviour may involve any or all the following:


• Following you

• Sending you lots of messages or calling you repeatedly

• Turning up wherever you are and hanging around

• Damaging or interfering with your property

• Watching, monitoring, or spying on you

• Giving you unwanted gifts

• Making threats or intimidating you


An RGP spokesperson, added: “Stalking is a crime that is distressing and malicious and is something no-one should have to put up with. 


“We would urge anyone who suspects they are being stalked to come forward as early as possible and report their concerns, so we can help to protect them.”


To report stalking online, visit, call 72500 in non-emergencies, or 199 in an emergency.

