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A 21yr old local man was arrested in the early hours of this morning for dangerous driving following a traffic collision at Devil’s Tower Road.

The man, the driver of a locally registered vehicle, lost control of his vehicle shortly before 0130hrs as he was travelling west bound. He collided with the central reservation, resulting in extensive damage to this and causing the vehicle to overturn, with it too sustaining extensive damage.

Neither the driver, nor his three male passengers were injured in the incident, but all four were, nevertheless, conveyed to SBH for assessment.

This single incident meant the road had to be closed for over four hours whilst the vehicle occupants were attended to, the vehicle was made safe and the initial investigation and subsequent clean-up was carried out. It also tied up huge human and material resources from multiple agencies with some of these having to be called out specifically to attend to this incident. A total of twelve officers were committed to this incident, with tasks ranging from first response, initial investigation, recording and examination of the scene, traffic management and tow truck drivers. Additionally, a Fire and Rescue Service appliance and full crew were also involved as were two GHA ambulances, Highways and GibElec personnel.

The driver is currently on police bail.
