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Six Drink Drivers Arrested


A total of six drink drivers were arrested over the weekend – just a week after the RGP launched its Christmas Drink Drive Campaign.


Two of those arrested also managed to drive their vehicles into a number of stationary vehicles whilst behind the wheel, causing thousands of pounds of damage to people’s cars and motorcycles.


One driver blew 141ug on the road side breath test, which is over four times the legal drink drive limit of 35ug.


The first incident happened at around 0020 on Saturday morning, when Response Team officers spotted a local vehicle without its lights on and swerving from side to side on Kingsway. After officers stopped the car, a local man, 30, blew 112ug on the road side breath test – more than three times the 35ug limit.


Just 30 minutes later, a 27-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of Driving when under the Influence of Drink, after officers spotted him riding an E-Scooter south along Queensway without a helmet. He was stopped and blew 74ug – almost twice the legal limit.  


On Saturday night, just before midnight, police received a report of a car swerving from side to side on Europa Road. Officers located the car on Gardiner’s Road, where a local man, 66, blew 117ug on the road side breath test.


Twenty minutes later police received several reports of a car swerving erratically whilst heading south on Queensway. Officers found the car and the driver in the area of Lower Witham’s Road, where a man blew 141ug on the road side breath test. The local man, 42, was promptly arrested. He was then searched and found to have cannabis resin on him, for which he was further arrested. It was later discovered he had hit several vehicles on Cumberland Road.


Thirty minutes later, at around 0045, Response Team officers arrested a local man, 49, on suspicion of Driving with Alcohol Concentration over Limit. His arrest came after officers patrolling Laguna Estate spotted a car driving around the estate with no lights on and indicating in a strange manner. Officers spoke to the driver, who appeared intoxicated. A road side breath test then gave a reading of 130ug – almost four times the limit.


Finally, on Sunday night, just before 2300, Response Team officers arrested a local man, 31, on suspicion of Driving in Charge with Alcohol Concentration Over Limit and Possession of a Controlled Class B Drug. His arrest came after police were sent to Laguna Estate in the area of Sortie Road following reports of a traffic collision. 


On arrival, they spotted a Jeep, which had collided with around 12 stationary motorcycles and parked vehicles. The driver of the vehicle was at the scene and appeared intoxicated. On speaking to officers, he handed over a bag of cannabis resin. He was promptly arrested for possession. A roadside drug test gave a negative reading, but a road side alcohol test on the suspect gave a reading of 112ug.


An RGP spokesman, said: “It’s a completely unacceptable start to our Christmas Drink Driving Campaign – with six arrests for drink driving on the first weekend since we launched the initiative. These road side breath tests were also shockingly high with some three or four times the legal limit.


“No matter how many times we say it, some people simply fail to understand that alcohol and driving do not mix. At best, you’ll get a driving ban and a fine. And at worst, you could kill someone.


“On two separate occasions this weekend, a number of vehicles were driven into, which just goes to show how dangerous drink driving can be.


“We don’t say this to be dramatic, we say it out of experience. Our message is simple, don’t get behind the wheel if you’re under the influence.”


If anyone has concerns about a person driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you can call the RGP in confidence on 200 72500 or 999 in emergencies.

